life carries on…. (in loving memory)

well, if you’ve been keeping up with my posts for the last few days …. (I began writing this post about 10 days ago) first, sorry lol. and second, thanks for being here! I say sorry, because, I have to revisit the topic of grief, which wasn’t fun the first time. And, I thank you, because it is a blessing to have your attentiveness and support.

so, its been at least a week or two, and, I know I can’t continue hiding out in my room, waiting on life to make sense of the unexplainable; realistically, I need to get the heck up! and, I need to get back to work!

I know, it may seem like my posts have all been sort of random. however, they do intertwine, and, they all play a role in the blown-up image, when you step back to see the bigger picture, from afar.

I began with speaking on grief, and then, I elaborated on my commitment to my journey, and, lastly, I shared an appreciation post dedicated to my bf/bff ❤︎ and, today, it is my intention, to tie them altogether into one.

“Deep within us—no matter who we are—there lives a feeling of wanting to be lovable, of wanting to be the kind of person that others like to be with. And the greatest thing we can do is to let people know that they are loved and capable of loving.”

—Fred Rogers

personally, I do my best to live with a sense of consciousness in every single moment, living each day with purpose, remaining vigilant, and humble. and, my reasoning for that, stems deeply from my desire to be on the good side of life’s unpredictability.

what I mean is, I know life is unpredictable, and, out of my control, essentially. however I also know, each choice I make is an opportunity to either do what is right, or, what is ‘wrong’. based on the overall structure of life, I feel its safe to assume, the more I do right, the more life will give me positive unpredictability. And, vs versa for doing wrong.

But! what do you do when life deals you a hand that isn’t based on right, wrong, OR fairness, at all?! I guess it’s like what they say: “when life happens!” what do you do, then? And, that is what I have been trying to figure out for weeks now!

If you read my previous post, then you may recall my mention of loved ones I have lost along my life’s journey, and, all of those passings, were, more or less, from natural causes. Now, that could be left up for debate and I may or may not beg to differ myself. However, respectfully, they were considered passings of natural causes.

The recent passing of my friend, however, was different. Now that I think about it, it’s probably the second most impactful death I have experienced. With the first, being the passing of my nephews father, now that I really think about it……. (as you may notice, I try not to think about it :/ very sad) So, anyways, yeah….

This experience has been life altering. I am sure it would be easy to say its been life altering in a negative way… But, that would be a little selfish, perhaps? It has been life altering in a way that, is something that makes you fear God and cherish life…. while also having a place in your heart that is truly empty and living every experience with hopes of, what your loved one would have been doing or feeling if they were still alive. and, without having to say, simply wondering ‘where they are’ and ‘how they are existing wherever they may be’.

“Sooner and later you will see great changes made, dreadful horrors and vengeances. For as the Moon is thus led by its angel, the heavens draw near to the Balance.”


Since, I can’t turn back the hands of time, nor can I stop them…. I am forced to experience life, from an altered perspective, forever. As beautiful as life can be, I would have to admit, it’s just a tiny bit less beautiful, knowing you aren’t a part of it, anymore.

The saddest thing about succumbing to our dark thoughts…. Is, the darkness we endure…. All the while, forgetting those who truly love us, care for us, and would drop their world to be there, in an instant. If only someone could have been there…. And even then, that would not have been enough to fill the void you were feeling! ♥︎

🥺😢 idk where to begin with this message to you, babe. I wish I would have been there, somehow! I wish you would have been in contact with me and I could have encouraged you, either with a message or even with my lifestyle and my perspective on life.

this turn of events has truly changed the lives of so many people who were lucky enough to know and love you. I was amazed to see how many came together in such a hurry to be there for you, after your passing! As flattering as it may be, I know you are somewhere just wondering, ‘where were those people when I was alive?’ And, that is truly a valid question. I have always remembered a profound quote, it goes: ‘give me my flowers while I am alive, don’t wait until I am dead, to do it!’

I know how hard life is, and, how challenging it was for you. I wish you felt more loved and more celebrated. Ironically, from the outside looking in, I know it seems you were one of the most loved and adored people on this planet. From what we see now, we know, you were not receiving the adequate love you wanted and needed; and, for that, I truly do empathize with you!

The hardest part of acceptance in this, for me, is just, the fact that…. You DESERVE to still be alive. You DESERVE(D) to be loved and cherished! You are SO WORTHY! It is hard to accept that, you were so bombarded by the evil of this world, that, you just couldn’t take it anymore! That feeling, is something I can totally relate to, and, I can’t blame you.

They truly do belong in heaven. And, I pray to every higher power there ever was, is, and will be…. That you are right on the inside of those pearly gates and you are Divinely HAPPY, WHOLE, AND, COMPLETE! I know your daddy is there, with you. Who would rather be on this planet? Ikr. But. I miss you on this planet, love! I definitely wish you were still here, gracing us with your eternal beauty and your smile!

If there IS one good thing I have taken from this turn of events in my life, it is, that I NEED to keep living. I need to keep pushing thru each day! Any time I am feeling down, and, I question my purpose…. I will instantly think of YOU, and, I will remember your last message….. And, cherish you as a guardian angel and a legacy in spirit! ❤︎


Tupac Shakur

My cousin Bryan is the biggest angel in my life! he is literally such a beam of light in my life! as you can see from the photo, he is such a beautiful soul❣️

Bryan, came into my life in my teenage years, and, he wasn’t in my life for very long. He, was, a very vicarious being on this planet! However, the time we did spend together, was very wonderful and profound. We were both shocked when we learned we had the same exact favorite number! What made it so insane, was the fact that, our fav number is a 3-digit number LOL. The chances of that seemed to be soooo odd!

Unfortunately, my cousins life on earth was very short. I guess it’s kind of cool having him as an angel in heaven. And, my baby cousin Rueben ✦🤫💕 My cousin Bryans’ passing took our family by surprise, and me, by total shock! My cousin was swimming in the ocean when he passed away from cardiac arrest. Could you imagine? While so sad, also, so divine!

Well, for whatever it’s worth…. I know my cousin Bryan is always with me in spirit. Every single day he makes his presence known in my life. And, I have always been amazed at how protective of me he is. Ironically, he often even protects me….. from myself 👀 which, has been priceless!

A few days ago, my cousin Bryan told me to stop being so sad, and, remain hopeful. Luckily, my cousin also knew Ariana…. We all went to the same high school. And, one of the craziest things is when, your loved ones link up in heaven 🥴😄😇 And, they send you a message to let you know: everything will be okay ❤︎

Now, more than ever… I feel there is so much work to be done! While the challenge of moving forward holds obstacles for me, mentally and emotionally… Spiritually, I am filled to the top with hope.

For the last few weeks, I have felt bad to keep moving forward with life, knowing there is someone I love that is dead now, and truly should still be alive. There is a sense of, commemoration that I felt obligated to pursue during this time.

Now, I know I am being led to keep forging forward, with a new purpose and motivation in life. Of course, all of the optimism in the world, doesn’t make it less challenging. But, it’s important to keep a positive perspective and have the best outlook for the benefit of the future.

In the presence of grief, we are forced to forge forward by any means! And, this is where, I really owe you all a VERY BIG THANKS!!

Thankfully, my part in the nail art community has brought me an eternal sense of purpose.

The role of an influencer, is a mighty one! And, thankfully, you all entrust me with the job! With the pressures and the rewards, I am truly filled with gratitude. Although, beneath it all, I am a human and a normal person too.

Throughout my journey, I realize, I am bound to be faced with setbacks and obstacles. Some, I will be able to prepare for in advance, and others, I won’t.

Shedding light on the tragic and untimely loss of my loved one, I just wanted to express to you all how dedicated I am, to my purpose on this planet. And, I never would have imagined this being the case, but, the loss of my loved one, is a true source of inspiration for me. This, is a lifelong motivation and inspiration that I couldn’t forget, even if I wanted.

No matter how hard it may be for me, at times… I know, that, life is a blessing and a privilege.

As a role model, my utmost concern is, simply to inspire! And, to be there! As you may know, I always welcome anyone and everyone to reach out to me via Instagram DM, during times of need, or anytime!!!! Interacting and collaborating are always at the top of my to-do list, as an influencer 🥰

as quoted by

Maybe it’s in my culture, or maybe it is simply a trait I’ve inherited somehow throughout my life…. But, even thinking all the way back to the young and innocent years of my childhood, I have ALWAYS been DEEPLY DRIVEN by my desires to protect and provide for my family.

I reflect on how much they have always relied on me and been able to count on me time and time again.

Honestly, being in the Leadership position in life, work, family, etc., is FAR from easy…. And, sometimes, it can be far from IDEAL, tbh. I mean, truthfully, how much easier is it to be a follower, instead? (Great Leadership, in turn, requires both….. LOL, let that sink in. 👀)

When my back is against the wall and pressure rises, I instantly think of my family. And, I think of God…. my Almighty Father in Heaven. I reflect on His unconditional love for me, and, His mercies. I reflect on how He created me perfectly, and, with a purpose.

My life, is important…. And, I value the act of living, and Being. It is my sincere hope that everyone reading this post, can truthfully say the same for that of themselves and their own lives.

the very, very, very beautiful breath of life ❤︎

Always remember:


“I am misunderstood. I think I’m funny. I am a musical companion.”


ways to help save lives from suicide:

✓ Educate yourself/others about suicide

✓ Challenge the stigma surrounding suicide

✓ Support suicide prevention organizations/create a prevention organization yourself

✓ Utilize social media as a tool to raise suicide prevention and awareness

✓ Create a safe and supportive environment to foster suicide prevention

Suicide Prevention and Awareness

Suicide is real–prevention and awareness should be, too!

As awkward (and morbid) as it may feel…. Discussing suicide is essential. Because, to lose someone we love and care for to the demise of suicide, is, something I would say, is worth doing the very best we can in preventing!
I have to admit, I have never done (or attempted to do) this before. I have never been a public advocate for suicide prevention and awareness… However, I feel this is a cause I am being drawn to, and, I am interested in leaving a positive impact and assisting in saving lives. <𝟑 ༝༚༝༚

Suicide Prevention (CDC)

**Above, I have linked suicide prevention information from the CDC. This is a professional and reliable resource that has been verified and is trusted by the general public.
**Click the link below for worldwide resources for suicide help and support. Or, call/text 988 (Suicide & Crisis Lifeline) for more assistance; available 24/7 in English & Spanish.

Help is available!

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