committing to my journey….

babes, I wanted to write and talk to you all a bit about my commitment to my journey as an influencer.

its hard to believe, in just about 6 more months, I will have been committed to this journey for an entire FOUR years now! looking back, I can’t figure out where the heck time has gone! I am so thankful, and overwhelmed with gratitude.

In case you wondered, the journey has been a super humbling experience! And, that is what I wanted to elaborate on! I mean, to be totally honest, time-wise, I am due to forge my way to the path of success any given moment now 🤩 By all counts, if nothing else gives, commitment and endurance, along with patience and timing, that is sure to do the trick! And, that is what I had to realize, in order to really begin to see fundamental progress along my journey to success as an influencer.

For at least the first two years, looking back, I can admit, I was not truly committed to my journey. I would say, I was simply testing the waters and, committing to pursuing my hobby, more than my role as an influencer, overall.

By the third year of my journey (this past year), it dawned on me, that, ‘wow! I’ve been doing this for three whole years now!’ Needless to say, by my third year, I was a bit disappointed that I haven’t made more progress and gained more exposure in the community and as an artist. Of course, when I began, I wanted to convert this journey into a lucrative source of income.

Wouldn’t it be such a dream come true, to find success and financial freedom through a pursuit that you genuinely love? I mean, to be frank, it’s safe to say, someplace along the way, I forgot my motive. I forgot that my goal was, success, and financial freedom! My goal revolved around becoming an influencer, and an advocate for the diy nail art industry!

With that, I wanted to share my journey, and, the progress, along with some of the obstacles, and, visions for the future!

Now, more than ever before, I am fully committed to becoming a full-time influencer, as opposed to a hobbyist. This has been FAR from easy. It’s been QUITE the adjustment! Meshing normal day-to-day life, with the life of an influencer…. For me, has been a challenge.

There are many different angles this has been challenging from. Simply adjusting to working in a virtual space…. And, doing all of the work without guaranteed pay or return on the investment, is TOUGH! But, then, there is the social aspect with family, and, even friends. It’s not as common as people think, to truly pursue the life of an influencer, as a career. Of course, when you are an aspiring influencer, or you pursue the lifestyle, it all seems common-place. However, there are equally as many people that are still sitting behind the desk of a ‘9-5’ each day.

Oddly, I have friends that clock into a job every single day. Meanwhile, I have not clocked into a j.o.b in over a decade! Amongst my friends-group, there are those of us who label ourselves…… (wait for it……)…… UN-EMPLOY-ABLE. Yes, we are a brave bunch, I’d say! And, that is my true motivation! To forever be, unemployable. Which simply symbolizes our desire to be Leaders in the world ❤︎

With that being said, I just want to let this be a motivation, and, a reminder to anyone who may take value from this post…. You can do it! You just have to commit! The rest, is truly an untold, breathtaking story! Let your greatest hopes become your reality! Dare you dream, dare you hope, dare you live a lifelong legacy of Divinity and walk in your Purpose!

Realistically, who better to commit to YOUR journey, and share YOUR story, than you?! Nobody 🥰

My advice, is, to just go for it! Just do it!

When I think about it, from my perspective, this truly is the only life I have to live. I may as well live it, and commit to everything wholeheartedly, in my life. Simply reflecting on our lives as children, and, our lives as young adults… I think it’s safe to say, time waits for no man!

Recently, I celebrated my 32nd birthday. I never imagined life at 32, back when I was a teenager, or even back when I was 25! Sometimes, we can feel like we are living a race against time, and circumstances. At 32, I can say, I definitely feel the essence and importance of time. Time, is irreplaceable! Time, is priceless. Time, is something I enjoy being mindful of, and, thankful for! There isn’t a single second of my life that I don’t reflect on my gratitude for the mere breath of life!

So, making the most of my time, and my presence on this planet ~ I wanted to share this message: Commitment. Commit! Do not fear everything that could go wrong, instead, hope for each and every single thing that will go right!

When in doubt… Remind yourself:

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